Have you BookBySlot?

July 2, 2019 3184 0 2

Have you BookBySlot? Yes, BookBySlot is becoming a verb, and why not? Booking premium hotels on a slot basis even for a night’s stay near hospitals, airports, railway stations have become a reality and what acts as an icing on the cake is the leadership which fuels the vision behind – industry seniors coming together to offer comfort, economic stay and the needed security!

BookBySlot has majorly influenced the community of backpackers, corporate travellers, entrepreneurs, students, patients (visiting hospitals) and SMB owners. The company has just received positive reviews and recurring customers and what adds more credibility to a business other than an existing customer base satisfied with services. BookBySlot establishes itself distinguishable because of its problem-solving approach and constantly orienting it’s towards use cases which can serve the people and benefit the masses. The recent add on by the company, book hotels on a slot basis near hospitals reflects the very same. To come up with such solutions represent the value a company represents. 

BookBySlot like companies have been the need of the hour. In this world full of dynamism and hands-on approach towards living while having a lifestyle which doesn’t get compromised, whatever happens – we need micro solutions addressing specific problem statements with due expertise and trust. It feels amazing to live in a world where useless monopolies are getting checked and customer-first is becoming a reality. 

This is not just a random add on to save money but a very critical point to ponder upon. Especially if you get into the shoes of the ones who suffer enormously, you will get to understand the thing. To all the patients who have been sleeping on the benches of hospitals waiting for their numbers and reports, to all the corporate travelers visiting a city for a day, to all the travelers waiting in the lounges of airports and waiting rooms of railway stations, to all the students visiting a city for an exam, and to all the logical beings – BookBySlot serves you with a hand on solution.

It is quite simple to add on BookBySlot as a verb in your life, travel life. Visit the website of BookBySlot and check for the inventories within a location, book your stay as a slot or normal booking and you are ready to go! 

We know that you are quite bothered about the reception you will receive as such a service might sound a bit shady to a lot of you. But worry not! On a property of BookBySlot, slot based hotel booking is considered to be an intelligent option to go for. There are no random knocks, staring eyes and such hostilities welcoming you. A strict check is maintained regarding the same. Even if you go for the feature of booking hotels for a night to catch some sleep, there is only betterment that you can expect with respect to the experience of booking hotels normally, rather expensively.

Also, BookBySlot keeps on evolving its own existence by adding on advisors who represent diverse industry experience and genius from their respective fields. Addition of Mr Abhinav Kumar (The Trivago Guy) is one such example. Engaging activities like BBS League, a digital way to play the ICC world cup from your homes, keep on encouraging the customer base to build better relations with the company.

So yes, BookBySlot is becoming a verb and have you BookBySlot?

Tags: #adventure, #bangalore, #bombay, #bookbyslot, #BookBySlot #hourlyhotels #Paybyhour #Slotbooking # Transit #Corporatehotels, #corporatetrip, #delhi, #explore, #HourlyHotels, #mumbai, #nammabengaluru, #shortstays, #travel, 24 hours checkout hotels in bangalore, Agra, best hotel booking india, best hotels for unmarried couples in delhi, best online hotel booking site india, book hotel rooms online cheap, book my hotel in delhi, budget hotels in mahipalpur delhi, Chandigarh, Chennai, Goa, Indore, Jaipur, Pune Categories: Adventure
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