hourly hotel booking for entrepreneurs

Hourly Hotel Booking for Entrepreneurs | Journey of a Entrepreneur – Guru Bhai

December 26, 2018 3914 0 1

As the title suggests, we are going to talk about one of the most talked about entrepreneur of India. Yes, we are talking about Gurukant “Guru “Desai or Guru Bhai, the character played by Abhishek Bachchan in one of the most iconic and blockbuster movies of the year 2007. We remember this movie as one of the few hit movies Abhishek Bachchan has in his carrier or for Aishwariya Rai Bachchan dancing in rain. But this movie was something more than that. Let’s find out why this movie is actually iconic and why are we discussing this thing now.

As the story revolves, it is Guru Bhai a young man living in a village of Idar, somewhere living in northern Gujarat in 1951. He always dreams to make it big and tries his luck by traveling to turkey and enter the spice trade, eventually when he is not promoted in his work, he leaves his job and starts working on his own (As in modern times, We can consider it as Guru Bhai resigned from his stable job of 9 to 5 and started for his own startup or a business) and then his struggle begins… he came to Mumbai for starting a new life or for trying his luck to make something big. His journey in Mumbai was not so easy; he had to spend his many nights on the streets of Mumbai. Without having any money for food but having dreams and courage to stay in the game, there was also time, when Guru Bhai didn’t know about Income Tax(Wow, even today many millionaires don’t know about it!!), he started his business in small scale and became a spice trader.

During his struggle times, he gets support from Manik Das Gupta character played by Mithun Chakraborty. And after many ups and downs and literally after many romantic songs by A.R.Rehman, Guru Bhai makes it big and becomes one of the leading entrepreneurs in the Indian market and one of the highest tax paying respectful citizen of India. So, in brief, this was the main story of the film.

So, are you happy after such an inspiring story and got inspired by your start-ups and business? If yes, then please read further, because not all are lucky enough to make big like guru Bhai and that was the reel life shown in 3 hours but in real life, it takes more than 3 hours to make a thing (that thing is also not close to Guru Bhai). Not everyone gets Manik Das Gupta as a godfather in an unknown city or country and more important Guru Bhai Started his journey in 1951 and boss this is 2018. We are living in an era which can be called an era of Startups.

Why are the present Guru Bhais / Entrepreneurs in Trouble?

Taking the reference of the character, we can assume that, in today’s world we have a great number of Guru Bhai’s dreaming something big or trying their luck to get that big thing to happen for them also, but as we know in modern time it is not that easy, increasing number of competition, increasing number of market demands have made this Guru Bhai more hard-working, smarter but also a great traveler also.

For all Guru Bhai’s, traveling in different cities, countries or might be different planets also (not really), this might be difficult to maintain their budget or expenses up to the mark, because of traveling or booking hotels. In many cases, you have to pay the unnecessary amount for services that haven’t been used or supplied to you. Imagine if Guru Bhai, traveling to Mumbai with his dreams in his eyes, for making it big , he was a spice trader at that time, so what if while delivering his order it got rain and he has to spend his that whole night on the roads of Mumbai or when he came to Mumbai for the first time, he has no place to stay, so what if he has to spent his whole night on the railway station, or he didn’t get any place to stay even after the week in Mumbai. It was Guru Bhai who stayed in the field and fought for his dreams, and also it was back in the 1970s, but if such things happen in today’s world then scenario can be different and not only the today’s Guru Bhai but also the original one from the movie would give up.

Then we can’t get the same story of Guru Bhai. If such things happen to Guru Bhai, then his dreams of making it big would never have seen the sunlight of success.

Then how to help the new Guru Bhais/ Entrepreneurs?

What if I say that, I have not one but many Manik Das Gupta for each Guru Bhai, working hard there to get his dream come true or making his startup as successful as Guru Bhai. The digital revolution has brought up many Manik Das Gupta in our life.




All the above sites along with many others help you get easy and quick loans in a few hours to help you in your businesses.

And there are online hotel room booking sites like-

Expedia – https://www.expedia.co.in/Hotels

Via – https://in.via.com/hotels

Goomo – https://www.goomo.com/hotels

Bookbyslot – https://www.bookbyslot.com/

Above all this bookbyslot attracted me a lot by its most special features.

What is bookbyslot?

Bookbyslot is a progressed mechanical interface for web-based booking of lodgings directly in all the prime areas of India.

In bookbyslot, you book the space for lengths or openings of hours i.e. 4\8\11 or days you intend to remain in their room. The time length of your stay can be effortlessly stretched out in the event that you wish to remain for additional time than you reserved for. This is the link to it:-

Who all or in what kind of situations are there in which the present Guru Bhai had said that bookbyslot is the best decision?

  • When you have a corresponding flight or you have a big deal hole in their adventure and you need to rest.
  • People who simply come and for excursions for work and need the room just a couple of hours to simply prepare to go for their work.
  • The dealers who just go to a place to make the buy and need to return to their place back that day.
  • People who are going via vehicle long separations and need to crisp up.
  • When your flight and train gets postponed.

There are numerous different situations where you would utilize the room just for a couple of hours as it were and in such situations, BookBySlot Is helping upcoming Guru Bhai to make their dreams come true and make it even bigger than Guru Bhai.

In one of the dialogues of the movie which is my personal favorite one also, the scene is like Guru’s father advised him, “Not to dream and that dreams never come true”. But the Guru Bhai proves him wrong! The present-day Guru Bhai can prove this too to the world! All thanks to the digital revolution and the new businesses and start ups that help the entrepreneurs to achieve new heights in their ventures.

One more problem with the Guru Bhai was the unavailability of information regarding his business, lack of study material at that time and medium to learn business skills. But now after the online revolution in India has taken place, we can get all the information about market and business on the go. We can get a lot of study material for getting information online where ever you want to and we all know that learn small skills online is the new trend now a days to the youth.

You all agreed that Guru Bhai, his business model and his determination inspired you a lot. Just imagine if he had all these resources and facilities what would have been the greatness of his success.

Tags: Best hotel by hour in mumbai, Best Hotels in Delhi near airport, best Hotels in Near bangalore Train Station, room on hourly basis in delhi Categories: Corporate Travel Guide
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